۵ نکتهای که باید در مورد آسمان بدانید
2 دسامبر 2024۵ نکتهای که باید در مورد فرزندخواندگی بدانید
Of the great and fundamental blessings that believers receive through faith in Jesus Christ, adoption is perhaps the least discussed. Justification is often discussed, and sanctification is also a part of the daily life of believers. But adoption is also of great importance, and understanding this concept and resting in its precious truths can bear fruit in the lives of believers. Here are five things about adoption:
1. Adoption is one of the blessings of union with Christ.
Like justification and sanctification, adoption is granted to believers through union with Jesus Christ, by faith alone. The Westminster Confession of Faith states:
“Adoption is the act of God’s free grace, accomplished in his only Son, Jesus Christ, by which all who are justified are adopted as his children, his name is called upon them, the Spirit of his Son is given to them, they are placed under his fatherly care, they have access to the freedoms and privileges of the children of God, they become heirs of all the promises, and they become joint heirs with Christ in glory” (Question 74).
Adoption is a definitive, one-time act that stems from the work of Jesus Christ and brings us into the family of God, with all the benefits that this new status brings (John 1:12).
2. Adoption means that we become members of the divine family.
In the natural state, we are alienated from God’s family and belong to Satan, in bondage to sin (John 8:44; Ephesians 2:1–3). But in adoption, we are accepted into God’s family and are numbered among His children. The apostle Paul writes of this glorious change:
“Now you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19).
3. Adoption means that God is our Father.
In the late 19th century, the prominent liberal theologian Adolf von Harnack summarized the essence of Christianity in two truths: the universal brotherhood of man and the universal fatherhood of God. While God is the Creator of all people, He is not in a paternal relationship with all. Having God as Father and being God’s children is a privilege reserved only for those who have been adopted into His family (John 1:12). For this reason, the apostle John reverently says:
“See what kind of love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know him.” (1 John 3:1)
This is the same reason why the Pharisees were offended when Jesus called God his Father (John 5:18) and why Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God as Father (Matthew 6:9).
4. Adoption means having access to the presence of God.
One of the great tragedies of Roman Catholic theology is its teaching on the intercession of saints. Catholics are taught that God is too busy to hear their prayers, and that they must ask the saints, especially the Virgin Mary, to intercede on their behalf. This teaching is false and erroneous. True believers do not need anyone to intercede, for they have access to God through Christ alone, the one mediator (John 14:13–14; 1 Timothy 2:5). Paul writes:
“For through him we both [i.e., Jewish and Gentile believers] have access by one Spirit to the Father” (Ephesians 2:18; see also Romans 5:2).
5. Adoption means that we enjoy the rights of children of God.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God by nature, and we are children of God by adoption. This position brings with it many rights and privileges that we enjoy alongside our elder brother. These rights and privileges include the gift of the Spirit, the giving of God’s name, freedom from slavery to the law, sharing in Christ’s sufferings and glory, and especially an inheritance reserved for those who are in Christ. The apostle Paul writes:
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father.’ The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. And if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings so that we may also share in his glory” (Romans 8:14–17; see also Ephesians 1:11–14).
May we live in the peace and confidence that comes from knowing that our Heavenly Father has adopted us as children in love.
This article is part of a series of 5 things you need to know .
This article was published on the Ligonier website.